A craftsman’s guide to replacing your cellphone screen.

By Nadim Nyker

As of 2014, there were 51 million people in South Africa. However, there were 66.1 million active sim card connections. This meant that the mobile penetration (active connections to population) was at a whopping 128%. In SA, 89% of adults own a cellphone, equivalent to that of the highly acclaimed, overrated and (according to Trump) not so great, United States of America. At this rate, with the Weighted blended Average Revenue Per User per month (ARPU) also being at R119.00, surely we were getting our rates and cellphones cheaper than anyway else in the world, or at least in Africa, right? Sadly not. ICT Africa has recorded that SA’s cheapest local operator has a basket price of R52.00, 4.4 times pricier than the rest of Africa. In layman’s terms, we’re being screwed by the system.

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